Friday, February 03, 2006

Helpful hints from Segur

Segaro 95.20, in his comments to my second to last post below (well, third to last now) has these helpful hints--I'm off to re-read this section with this new information in hand to see how things fall into place and what I missed the first time around. Thanks, s.

Hint 1: the singer is Simon Dedalus, Stephen's father.

Hint 2: Blazes Boylan is having an affair with Molly, Bloom's wife - in fact, he is on his way to see her now at their house on Eccles Street. All the 'Jingle jaunty' references are about Boylan on his journey across town to see Molly.

Hint 3: if you can get a map of the city and try to follow the routes of the respective characters, that might help a little.

Hint 4: Remember that Simon's wife - Stephen's mother - has recently died. Which gives poignancy to his rendition of the song Martha My Dear. At the climax of the song: ' me' there is an extraordinary moment of sadness and loss: Bloom has been thinking about his wife with Boylan, while Simon is thinging about his dead wife. (Simon sees Bloom earlier in the scene and asks his companion about Bloom's wife - he has forgotten her name and asks "Is she still alive?" Simon and companion speak admiringly about Molly and the inference is that that Mrs Bloom (Nee Marion Tweedy) is free with her affections.

And just after the climax of the song " me!" we get:


Leopold and Simon brought together by the song in mourning for their lost loves.

Music is a major theme of this chapter - known as 'The Sirens'.


Blogger jerrygrit said...

We're just starting a reading collective to begin tackling Ulysses on Bloomsday this year. We'd appreciate any guidance, given your successful commitment to finishing. Check us out here...

1:04 PM  

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