The Wifeian thought on the Bloomian thought
She frowned. "You dolt, that's not what that means. What he is saying is that a man's weakness is evident in how he treats his wife."
I thought about that, hands clasped behind head. "Well, even so, I'm still invincible."
She sat up. "Is that so? Then what day is tomorrow?"
Oh-oh. I thought quickly, flipping through important dates I'd forgotten in the past. Not her birthday, that is September 17, or is it 19? Sort of dyslexic there. and not our anniversary, although which anniversary could be problematic, the one sometime in July when we had the home religious service or the one in September, at the civilian affairs office (actually, I think that one is in August.) But February? Apart from my birthday on the 24th? However, being the invincible husband type, I chuckled and said, "Do you think I'd really forget? You'll just have to wait and see."
So, I'd better go through our files and records of births, deaths, weddings, and maybe even Google.