A writing colleague at
Zoetrope , James Patrick Joyce, has these anecotes to share:
James: I’m reserve some computer time
Librarian: Your name?
James: James Joyce.
(Librarian pauses, looks askance, waits)
Librarian: Your library card?
James: I’d like to order The Seville Communion
Bookstore Clerk: Your name?
James: James Joyce
Clerk: (pauses) Okay. (little smile)
James: No, really.
Teacher: (doing roll-call for first class of the year) Michael Fursby, Bob Jaillard, James...
(Teacher looks up) James Joyce?
James: Here.
Teacher: James, did you know that there was a famous writer....
University Lit Student: (after mentioning her father did his thesis on James Joyce) Stephanie Wilson.
James: James Joyce.
Student: Sure. Got any I.D.?
Stranger at party: Someone told me your name is James Joyce.
James: Umm... yeah.
Stranger: (pulls tattered copy of Ullyses out of pocket) ‘Cause I’m a big fan of his.
James: Yeah, he’s popular.
Stranger: (pauses) Got any I.D.?
University Engineering Student: Dave.
James: James
Student: I’m horrible with names, so don’t take it personally if I forget.
James: Well, my full name is James Joyce, if that helps.
Student: (blank look)
James: You know, the famous writer?
Student: (blank look)
James: Portrait of the Artist? Dubliners? Ulysses-- topped many Best of the Century book lists?
Student: (blank look... shrugs)
(names have been changed to protect the irrelevant)